I used to be afraid of bash warnings popping up when managing a React codebase. Now I realize how meaningful and helpful they are : )
To reproduce the warning and fix the issue we will work with an empty vite react-ts
project and a vite plugin named vite-plugin-svgr
using yarn 1.22.19
Initialize the project
yarn create vite yarn-playground --template react-ts
cd yarn-playground
Add the plugin
yarn add vite-plugin-svgr@2.2.2
Now we can see the warning
warning " > vite-plugin-svgr@2.2.2"
has incorrect peer dependency "vite@^2.6.0 || 3".
Check the current version of the vite
yarn info vite version
Check the current peer dependencies of the plugin
yarn info vite-plugin-svgr@2.2.2 peerDependencies
# { vite: '^2.6.0 || 3' }
Our version is out of scope.
Check available versions of the plugin
yarn info vite-plugin-svgr versions
# [..., '2.4.0']
Check if the latest plugin has our vite as a peer dependency
yarn info vite-plugin-svgr@2.4.0 peerDependencies
# { vite: '^2.6.0 || 3 || 4' }
As you can see vite@^4.1.1 is within the peer dependency boundaries of vite-plugin-svgr@^2.4.0.
Upgrade the plugin
yarn upgrade vite-plugin-svgr@^2.4.0
Now we can see the warning is gone.
Thank you for reading! I hope you have found this post helpful.
Cover Photo by Sam Goodgame on Unsplash
Classic Yarn Doc: Types of dependencies
Classic Yarn Doc: Yarn Info